Sim2Server Roles
Base Information
- You can toggle roles using Universal-Bot in
and the command?role <rolename>
.- You can toggle multiple at a time by using a comma after a rolename to separate them.
- “Big” Team and Project Team roles are not toggle-able and will only be given out manually.
Big Team Roles
The “big” Team roles are the higest roles of Sim2Server.
Owner Team
- People that own Sim2Server have this Role.
- People that are part of the Sim2Team GitHub Organization have this Role.
Tssoret Team
- People that are part of the tssoret GitHub Organization have this Role.
Moderator Team
- People that moderate Sim2Server have this Role.
Project Team Roles
We have several Project Roles here.
Sim2GBADecomp Team
- This Role is for People that actively contribute to the GBA Decompilations of tssoret, such as S2GBADecomp.
Sim2NDSDecomp Team
- This Role is for People that actively contribute to the NDS Decompilations of tssoret, currently none are available.
Sim2Editor Team
- This Role is for People that actively contribute to the Save Editor, Sim2Editor.
Sim2Web Team
- This Role is for People that maintain the Sim2Team and tssoret sites, including the Sim2Wiki forum channel.
Optimum Bot Team
- This Role is for People that work on Sim2Server’s Discord Bot, Optimum Alfred.
Activity Roles
You can show what type of Activity you do with the Activity Roles.
Reverse Engineer
- You like to reverse engineer Games? You have knowledge about it? Then this Role is for you.
Savedata Investigator
- You like to investigate Savedata Structures? You like to document them? You have knowledge about them? Then this Role is for you.
ROM Hacker
- You like to ROM Hack Games? You have the knowledge for that? Then this Role is for you.
- You like to Decompile Disassemblies and / or Games? You have the knowledge for that? Then this Role is for you.
Update Roles
You want to be up-to-date for a certain Project? Then these roles are for you. The role will get pinged if there is an update for it available.
Server Updates
- Toggle this role to receive notifications for an update related to Sim2Server.
S2GBADecomp Updates
- Toggle this role to receive notifications for an update related to the Sims 2 GBA Decompilation, S2GBADecomp.
Sim2Editor Updates
- Toggle this role to receive notifications for an update related to the Sims GBA / DS Save Editor, Sim2Editor.
Game Roles
You can share which Games including Regions of them you own with those Roles! Perhaps someone may have a Question for you about them as they may not own it and are still interested into certain things about it.
The Sims 2 (Nintendo DS) has 3 regions available:
- Sims 2 NDS (JPN)
- Sims 2 NDS (USA)
- Sims 2 NDS (EUR)
The Sims 2 (Game Boy Advance) has 1 region available, because EUR / USA are the same and there is no Japanese version:
- Sims 2 GBA (EURUSA)
The Urbz: Sims in the City (Nintendo DS) has 3 regions available:
- Urbz NDS (JPN)
- Urbz NDS (USA)
- Urbz NDS (EUR)
The Urbz: Sims in the City (Game Boy Advance) has 2 regions available, because EUR / USA are the same:
- Urbz GBA (JPN)
The Sims: Bustin’ Out (Game Boy Advance) has 2 regions available, because EUR / USA are the same:
- Bustin’ Out GBA (JPN)
- Bustin’ Out GBA (EURUSA)