Cast Member

Researched by SuperSaiyajinStackZ, Version: 0.1.0.

Some notes

  • There are 26 Cast Members in game.
  • The first Cast Member starts at 0x466 of the slot.
  • The size of the Cast Member Structure is: 0xA (10) bytes.
  • The full size for the Cast Member section is: 0x104 bytes ( 26 * 0xA ).

  • NOTE: The final Offset varies with the amount of items you have in your house, see Cast Member Offset for how to get the proper final Offset.


You can find a C++ structure for the Cast Members below.

struct CastMember {
	enum class CastFeeling : uint8_t { Neutral = 0x0, Happy = 0x1, Angry = 0x2, Romantic = 0x3 }; // To make the feeling stuff more clear, to what value what feeling is.

	uint8_t FriendlyLevel = 0x3; // The friendly conversation level of the cast member; 0 - 3 is valid; 0x0.
	uint8_t RomanceLevel = 0x3; // The romance conversation level of the cast member; 0 - 3 is valid; 0x1.
	uint8_t IntimidateLevel = 0x3; // The intimidate conversation level of the cast member; 0 - 3 is valid; 0x2.
	CastFeeling Feeling = CastFeeling::Neutral; // The Feeling of the cast member; See the enum class above for what value is for which feeling; 0x3.
	uint8_t Unknown1[0x2] = { 0x0 }; // Unknown as of yet; 0x4 - 0x5.
	uint8_t FeelingEffectHours = 0x0; // The Hours that are left for the feeling effect; 0x6.
	bool RegisteredOnPhone = false; // The state if the cast member got registered on your phone; 0x7.
	bool SecretUnlocked = false; // The state if the cast member's secret has been unlocked; 0x8.
	uint8_t Unknown2 = 0x0; // Unknown as of yet; 0x9.

Cast Member Offset

The Cast Member final offset depends on how many items you have in your House.

The amount of items you have in your house is stored at byte 0xD6 of the SavSlot’s Data.

See below for a way how to get the final offset.

	SlotData is the data of the SavSlot.
	CastMemberIdx is the cast member index ( 0 - 25 ).
uint32_t GetOffset(uint8_t *SlotData, uint8_t CastMemberIdx) {
	if (CastMemberIdx >= 26) return 0; // Out of scope. Only 0 - 25 is valid.

	return 0x466 + (CastMemberIdx * 0xA) + (SlotData[0xD6] * 0x6);

		If you instead want to access it directly from the SavData instead of the SlotData, rework it like this:
		Slot being '1' for Slot 1, '2' for Slot 2 etc.

		return (Slot * 0x1000) + 0x466 + (CastMemberIdx * 0xA) + (SavData[(Slot * 0x1000) + 0xD6] * 0x6);

Cast Member List

You can find a list with the base offsets for each Cast Member below in the Table.

Cast Member Name Start Offset End Offset
Emperor Xizzle 0x0 0x9
Burple 0xA 0x13
Ara Fusilli 0x14 0x1D
Auda Sherif 0x1E 0x27
Ava Cadavra 0x28 0x31
Bigfoot 0x32 0x3B
Frankie Fusilli 0x3C 0x45
Dusty Hogg 0x46 0x4F
Giuseppi Mezzoalto 0x50 0x59
Honest Jackson 0x5A 0x63
Jebediah Jerky 0x64 0x6D
Jimmy the Neck 0x6E 0x77
Kayleigh Wintercrest 0x78 0x81
Luthor L. Bigbucks 0x82 0x8B
Mamma Hogg 0x8C 0x95
Misty Waters 0x96 0x9F
Lord Mole 0xA0 0xA9
Mummy 0xAA 0xB3
Optimum Alfred 0xB4 0xBD
Penelope Redd 0xBE 0xC7
Pepper Pete 0xC8 0xD1
Kent Hackett 0xD2 0xDB
Sancho Paco Panza 0xDC 0xE5
Tank Grunt 0xE6 0xEF
Tristan Legend 0xF0 0xF9
Yeti 0xFA 0x103

Cast Member Conversations

Each Cast Member has the Friendly, Romantic and Intimidate Conversation Levels stored.

Starting with Friendly at byte 0x0, then following with Romantic at byte 0x1 and the last Intimidate with byte 0x2.

The Level range is from 0 for no conversation up to 3 for the max conversation levels.

Cast Member Feelings

Yes, Cast Members also have feelings, lol. The feelings can be seen, if you do one of the following actions:

  • You wave to them by pressing L in the near of them. You will see their feeling as the thinking bubble on the top of their head. NOTE: If they are feeling neutral, they may not show an actual feeling and instead something episode related.
  • You take an interaction with them. You will see their feeling from their Picture.
  • You look into the Cast Member List. You will see their feeling from their Picture.

After you give a Cast Member a gift that they may like or hate, it sets byte 0x6 to 0x18 (24), that are the hours the effect will last until it changes back to Neutral. Every full hour, that value will decrease for 0x1.

The feeling is stored at byte 0x4 in the structure of the Cast Members.

Below you will find a table with the values and the feelings.

Feeling Value
Neutral 0x0
Happy 0x1
Angry 0x2
Romantic 0x3

Cast Member Phone

The registered on the Phone state is stored in the at byte 0x7 in the structure of the Cast Members.

It exactly needs to be set as 0x1 if you want them to be registered, everything else sets it to not registered.

Cast Member Secret

The state if you unlocked the Secret of the Cast Member is stored at byte 0x8 in the structure of the Cast Members.

I believe the same note as the one for the Cast Member Phone one counts as well with:

It exactly needs to be set as 0x1 if you want them to be registered, everything else sets it to not registered.

But instead of registered, it’d be unlocked obviously.