House Item

Researched by SuperSaiyajinStackZ, Version: 0.1.0.

Some notes

  • There are 12 available Slots for your House.
  • The House Items start at 0xD6 of the SavSlot beginning with an House Item Count.
  • The size of an House Item is 0x6 bytes.
  • The full size for the House Items section is: 0x49 bytes ( 0x1 + ( 12 * 0x6 ) ).

Other technical notes

  • If you add one item, then the item is getting inserted at Offset 0xD7 of the SavSlot. This is, what causes things to move up for 0x6 starting at 0xD7 at the SavSlot.
  • If you remove an item, then the 0x6 bytes, which is the size of an House Item gets removed and things move down for 0x6.

TODO for both: Figure out, how many bytes exactly move, as the Checksum always stays at the same location at 0xFFE - 0xFFF.


You can find a C++ structure for the House Items below.

struct Item {
	enum class ItemDirection : uint8_t { Right = 0x1, Down = 0x3, Left = 0x5, Up = 0x7 }; // Item Directions.

	uint8_t ID = 0xE6; // The Item ID; 0x0.
	uint8_t Flag = 0x0; // The Item Flag; 0x1.
	uint8_t UseCount = 0x0; // The Item Use Count; 0x2.
	uint8_t XPosition = 0x0; // The X-Position of the Item; 0x3.
	uint8_t YPosition = 0x0; // The Y-Position of the Item; 0x4.
	ItemDirection Direction = ItemDirection::Down; // The Item Direction; 0x5.

struct HouseItems {
	uint8_t Count = 0x0; // The amount of Items from the House; 0x0.
	Item Slot1; // The first House Item; 0x1 - 0x6.
	Item Slot2; // The second House Item; 0x7 - 0xC.
	Item Slot3; // The third House Item; 0xD - 0x12.
	Item Slot4; // The fourth House Item; 0x13 - 0x18.
	Item Slot5; // The fifth House Item; 0x19 - 0x1E.
	Item Slot6; // The sixth House Item; 0x1F - 0x24.
	Item Slot7; // The seventh House Item; 0x25 - 0x2A.
	Item Slot8; // The eighth House Item; 0x2B - 0x30.
	Item Slot9; // The nineth House Item; 0x31 - 0x36.
	Item Slot10; // The tenth House Item; 0x37 - 0x3C.
	Item Slot11; // The eleventh House Item; 0x3D - 0x42.
	Item Slot12; // The twelveth House Item; 0x43 - 0x48.

Item IDs

For a list of all Item IDs, checkout the Item ID Section.

Item Flags

For a list of all Item flags, checkout the Item Flags Section.

NOTE, that this section is a TODO.

Item Use Count

For a list of all Item Use Counts, checkout the Item Use Count Section.

NOTE, that this section is a TODO.

Item X-Position

TODO: Figure out what’s the max X-Position for the House Items.

Item Y-Position

TODO: Figure out what’s the max Y-Position for the House Items.

Item Direction

The last byte of the House Items store a direction. Below you will find a table with the Directions and the Values.

Direction Value
Right 0x1
Down 0x3
Left 0x5
Up 0x7

It might be possible that they repeat at larger values, I haven’t looked into it yet.